13 aprilie 2007

Fragment din Viata Reala [RO, EN]

A venit vara. Am putut sa-mi dau seama dupa caldura de afara. Deunazi vorbeam cu tata care mi-a zis ca acasa a nins inainte de Pasti. Ca un adevat inginer ce sunt, trebuia sa cuantific cantitatea de anotimp. Noroc cu termometrul de la ceas (una dintre chestiile de fite care cantaresc greu la calatorii). La umbra 32. Merge. La soare 47 si m-am plictisit eu de asteptat sa se incalzeasca de tot. Nu e corect. Termometrul nu are sistem integrat de ventilatie ca mine. Sezonul furtunilor s-a terminat. Yepiii! Vine vremea de plaja.
Uneori radem, alteori plangem, uneori vrem sa parem seriosi dar de cele mai multe ori ne prostim. De cateva ori soarta ne da peste bot si ne aduce cu picioarele pe pamant. Pentru cei norocosi. Pe cei mai putin norocosi ii aduce cu picioarele sub pamant. Va rog, 10 randuri de reculegere pentru cei care au murit in atentatele recente din Alger. Mai putin atentatorii. Pe aia ii bag in pizda masii si pe tot neamul, prietenii si sefii lor si dati-mi careva niste injuraturi serioase romanesti inainte de reculgere. Tui gatu’ masii de religie.

Odata cu reintoarcerea terorismului in Algeria am inceput si eu sa ma gandesc serios la pozitia geografica a carierei mele. La o ora dupa atentate am primit pe mail “blocada totala”. Nimeni nu mai avea voie sa paraseasca pozitia. Azi e mai relaxare dar a ramas blocada pe Alger. Nu stiu cum suna pentru unii dar pentru mine a sunat al dracului de serios. Ma mai prostesc eu de multe ori, dar soarta mi-a dat peste bot alaltaieri. Am reactionat in stilul tipic. Atunci cand vad oameni panicati, reusesc sa imi ridic moralul si sa le ridic si lor moralul. Problema e cand nu e nimeni in jur mai panicat ca mine – de exemplu cand zbor cu avionul. Urasc zborul ...
Ceea ce urmeaza este un fragment din viata reala. La o ora dupa primirea emailulul de blocada am vorbit pe messenger cu un coleg din baza din Hassi. Daca sunteti atenti o sa descoperiti in conversatie inceputul unui fir de meditatie asupra terorismului din Algeria pe care il public cand il termin. Pentru ca numele lui nu e important am schimbat in text numele lui cu porecla care i-am dat-o noi: Superman.
dude, where are you?
what abt u?
in amenas
you know about those bombs eh?
you have to be in shop right?
that's why you didn't answer
lunch actually
u broken out?
not yet dude.... pfff
I am going to this job which will be "unofficial"
how many weeks have u been here in ur 2 nd hitch?
because they don't got a GFE for my break out
fsm promised if the guys say go after this job i will take controls with him and only after this i can be promoted, but i will still owe him an official field break out
7 already and still coutning
what about you?
arrived a week ago
broken out?
ha ha.. inshallah
good luck, i seem to be out of it
what about the bombings in algiers, what do you think?
well coming from a country which has kashmir.. i hardly am affected
i am seriosly thinking about this situation
ideally it shows the that the terroists are pretty much interested in letting the ppl knw that they mean to stay n grow
and when they want to do business we will be hit..
what do you mean when they want to do business?
bomb the oil fields.. the govt looses more than half of it's money
i see
good thinking
but they don't have the capability of provoking extensive damage
so it's just a matter of time untill they will realize that they only need to drive all expats and intl companies out
then, the rabbit get's fucked
well.. consider this - even if intl ppl r out all they need to do is spread terror in south . result ~ military is diluted in north + the govt still makes less money as algeria just doesnt have all technology
what would they have to gain out of weakening govt and hencemaking the contry poorer? don't they want to take control of the power?
they want to over throw the govt - something like iranian revolution
they actually won an election in 90's
but the military annuled it
and u shudnt forget .. it's nowa member of al-qaeda
i know dude!
that's why I started thinking...
it's becomnig dangerous
it's just a matter of time until the oilfields in south are hit
or an outbound plane is blown to pieces...
well the day it does.. i leave... pretty simple
i don't think i want to see that day...
lets see...
k, dude. cheers
Daca stau si ma gandesc bine, mai cedez cate un pic din naduful meu pe viata reala. Poate nu bate filmele de cele mai multe ori, dar si cand bate...
(C) Serban Alexandriuc
In Amenas, Mourning

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